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From Planting to Harvest

At Ralston Family Farms regenerative Farming is a variety of sustainable techniques in combination to conserve and rehabilitate the food and the farming system focusing on soil regeneration, increasing biodiversity, water conservation, and enhancing not depleting this land we call home!

red tractors harvesting field

From Harvest to Storage

The entire journey from the field to the package happens within a 10- mile radius. Because of this, we are able to maintain the quality of the grain while also helping to keep our planet cleaner!

storing rice bins

From Storage to Milling

We grow single-batch varietals of rice. Most rice is co-mingled from various farms and farming practices. At Ralston Farms we grow, mill, and package each variety providing a superior taste and texture.

person milling rice in the production facility

From Milling to Package

Packaging is done on-site in our mill with the best technology in food-safety available. From the highest Global Food Safety Standards to non-GMO and Gluten Free - we take pride in the steps we take to provide you with only the best!

image of rice production facility